Thursday, October 4, 2012

Finally! Lydia's home birth story...

From trying to conceive... to birth... to baby...
A tale of prayer, infertility, waiting, gratitude, miracles, spirituality, and an amazing, precious gift all in one story.


I don’t know why I waited so long to write Lydia’s birth story, but I remember it like it was yesterday. So no worries, all the details will be recorded here.

Lydia Mae Gough was born on October 4th, 2011 at 10:12pm. She weighed 8 lbs and 12 oz, and was 21 inches long. Her birth was such a spiritual experience, and everything leading up to my pregnancy and birth was amazing and memorable in every way. Lydia is a gift to us who came to us at just the precise time she was supposed to.

We waited a long time for Lydia, in every way. So even though it took us 3 years of trying to get pregnant, and Lydia was born 2 weeks past her due date, I know that she was born on precisely the day and time that she was supposed to come.

I had been using Doterra’s multivitamin supplements as well as essential oils for four months before I got pregnant. I think it was one of the number one things to help me get pregnant. I also continued the use of essential oils and supplements during my pregnancy, and I seriously had the best pregnancy ever!! I felt so great, even in the last month of pregnancy. So it really surprised me that I was pretty cool and collected even when my “due” date came and went… I was just like, “She comes when she comes! I feel great!”

And of course, since this was my third Hypnobabies birth, practicing my hypnosis CD’s and such contributed to feeling so great, but to be honest I wasn’t very good or consistent at doing my Hypnobabies practice this pregnancy.

Well, two weeks after my “due” date, my midwife and I decided to induce my birthing time with a tincture of black and blue cohosh. Honestly, I didn’t want to wait one more day because I would’ve had to pay extra money to go get a doctor’s opinion and get an official non-stress test.

I think my appointment was at about 3 or 4:00 pm, and that’s when I got my herbs, and my midwife checked to see that everything was alright. My husband was out of town (an hour away) for school (he’s a teacher) but he’d be back around 6, so I knew from experience that I’d be fine.

So even before I left my midwife’s office, contractions were coming, but no biggie. I took my two kids home, and let them watch an hour of TV while I lay down and listened to a CD. Contractions were coming at least 5 min apart or less, but painless. When I finished the CD, I could feel them in my back, but not bad at all. So I got up and made dinner for my kids around 5:30- 6:30. Contractions were still coming, but it felt good to move around in the kitchen.

Travis called about 6:00 to tell me that he was on his way back, and that he was going to visit his dying Grandpa. I had visited him in the hospital earlier that day, but Travis couldn’t, since he was gone. So I’m glad that Travis got to visit his Grandpa even though I wanted him home.

Between 6:30 and 7:00 I wanted to just lie down and focus in, and I wanted my husband home NOW! He finally came home about 7:00 and I said to him, “You get the kids in bed, and I’m listening to a CD” He said, ok.

So I listened to the Birth Guide CD, and it felt wonderful! Contractions were stronger but painless during the CD. Things did start getting more intense during the CD though. Afterwards, I got up, and went out to see Travis. He had just barely got the kids in bed, and said that his Grandpa passed away at 7:30. Yep, about the same time that things started getting more intense. I started feeling it more in my back, but pretty comfortable, especially when using my light-switch. I would get on my birth ball and lean over my bed and turn my “light-switch” off to relax during each contraction, but would try and get up and get things ready in between, although there wasn’t much time in between. I told Travis that he should probably get the birth pool ready. (inflate and fill with water)

A little after 8:00, I called my photographer about this time, and said… “yeah, I *think* things are moving a long… you *might* want to come… I don’t know…” (I really wasn’t sure… I thought I had a ways to go still…) Then at about 8:30, Travis called our midwife… we probably should’ve called her before the photographer… haha. I REALLY wanted to get in the water at this time, but it wasn’t ready yet. So I kept sitting on the birth-ball and leaning on my bed. I could really feel them in my back now, and it was a little uncomfortable. And then when the tub was finally ready, Travis made the water way too hot! So we put some cool water in, and I finally got in at about 9:00pm, right before our photographer showed up. I would just lean over the side of the birth pool during the contractions, the water felt so good!


[caption id="attachment_193" align="aligncenter" width="199" caption=""Relax....""][/caption]

Then my midwife came about a little after 9:00pm, and things really started getting intense. I could really feel it in my back, even though the baby was not posterior. I was getting restless, and had to keep changing positions… It was really comfortable kneeling or on hands and knees, but not so comfortable during a contraction. I had to have my husband push on just the right spot as hard as he could on my lower back, that felt great! During this time, I could really feel the presence of Travis’s Grandpa and his wife in heaven, and my baby’s spirit all together with maybe a few other angels. It was a very spiritual experience.

It was probably between 9:30 and 9:45 where I started moaning and making more sounds, just felt natural. Travis started setting up the video camera, which wasn’t working because the battery needed to be charged, but we knew we were getting closer! And I needed him to stop fiddling with the camera and come push on my back or let me lean in his shoulders. About 9:50 I started shaking, and then I had to go to the bathroom! But contractions were back to back, so I had to be quick after the contraction and get up, get towels, and go! So while I did that, Travis plugged in the camera to charge it. Rebecca, the midwife, came and helped me in the bathroom and let me lean on her while sitting, and she pushed into my knees. I stayed there for a few contractions, then quickly got back into the water.

I knew she was coming, she was right there, just not crowning yet. Travis finally unplugged the camera and got it set up so he could come push with all his might on my back. Then came the easy part, it was only uncomfortable for a few seconds. Then it just happened so fast, it was unbelievable! She was crowning and I could feel her head. Then I supported my own perineum while giving a few pushes and then she was out! I was half kneeling, half squatting, and I pretty much caught her, then Rebecca helped and pulled the cord over her head and we brought her out of the water! She was born at 10:12pm. Phew!! What a feeling! I had a baby in my arms, it’s always so shocking and exhilarating! She felt small to me. And it took her what seemed forever to start breathing and crying, but her cord was pulsating and her heart beating just fine. But it was only a few seconds, and then we heard her cry. What a sweet, sweet precious little girl! Our Lydia, who we had been dreaming about for almost 4 years! Travis and I just enjoyed the moment with his arms wrapped around me and Lydia, while Rebecca did her thing.

After the cord stopped pulsating, and it was cut, Travis finally took Lydia in his arms, skin to skin. While I delivered the placenta on the couch, and got all cleaned up. We had to get Lydia sucking so I could activate the natural oxytocin so the bleeding I had would go down. But that wasn’t working good enough, so I did have to get a shot of Pitocin. Ouch! The bleeding finally went down, all was well, and they weighed and measured Lydia Mae. She was 8 lbs, 12 oz and 21 inches long. Yes, my smallest baby, but my hardest birth. (My others were over 10 lbs) I got Lydia back and tried feeding her again. She was very good, a very strong and determined suck. While I sat there, I think I had to get a stitch for the same skid mark I had last time too, but that was it.

Then we texted everyone the news, and just enjoyed our newborn! I transferred to my own bed (SOO nice to be at home!!!) Rebecca did a few other things, checked Lydia, etc, cleaned up, and went home about a few hours later. Then we had a very peaceful lovely night with Lydia sleeping in our bed and we got to surprise our kids the next morning when they woke up and came into our room. It was wonderful!

The whole experience was amazing at home. And although my 6 hour birth was harder than my previous 2 births, it was still pretty manageable. I think if I would’ve practiced my Hypnobabies more consistently, and if I would’ve focused more and relaxed more at the start of my birthing time instead of having to take care of my kids, it would’ve been more comfortable and easier. But I wouldn’t change this experience for anything, it was amazing, and I can’t wait until I have my next birth! It’s such a HIGH!

Thank you Rebecca! You are the most caring, wonderful, amazing midwife ever! I never want to give birth without you there. I miss you and can't wait until next time!

I’m grateful to Travis. He was so much more involved with this birth, and I SO needed him! I couldn’t have done it without him. This brought us closer together in such a way that nothing else could. I’m so grateful for this whole experience and for my wondrous miraculous body that can bring life to this world in such a way. I’m so thankful for my Lydia who has taught me sooo much this past year. She has really been one to bring me such joy and happiness and peace. Because of her, I’ve really learned how to LIVE in the present and ENJOY every moment. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything!


And thank you Katrina of Red Bean Photography. The photos are more than I ever dreamed. You are amazing!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Awesome Salad = Mid-Day Joy Everyday!

My Awesome salad recipe...

There's just something about the sight of a colorful, filling salad that brings me joy everyday...

This is my most favorite salad ever, I could eat it everyday for lunch! In fact, I do! Unless I have some other leftovers, of course... So without further ado...

  • Lots and LOTS of lettuce, enough to cover an entire dinner plate, I usually use romaine or red leaf

  • One whole tomato, diced

  • Half an avocado, diced

  • About 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa

  • About 1/2 cup of black beans

  • Handful of crushed tortilla chips

  • Some homemade vegan ranch (I'll have to post that recipe sometime...)

Just cut and layer everything on your dinner plate, and there you have it! One filling, delicious salad that I could eat everyday and be completely satisfied!




Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easing Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression takes a toll on many, many moms out there. Many suffer in silence with no support and do nothing to treat it. Or they do treat it with prescription drugs... which I do admit, is better than nothing... BUT there is a MUCH better way, it's all natural, and doesn't have the harmful side effects that drugs do.

doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality has been THE number one thing that has helped me postpartum. Depression worsens when we don't have the nutrition, and this is the easiest way to get a power pack of nutrition. And all the ingredients are in their bio-available form, so you're actually absorbing the nutrients unlike what happens in regular multi-vitamins or prenatal vitamins. It has the omega 3's in it that are so important to treat depression. And there's essential oils in these supplements which have so many benefits, too many to count.

Look, all the facts and info about what's in these supplements are here. But all I can tell you, is that I had the BEST pregnancy while taking these, and I've had THE BEST postpartum ever! I didn't have these supplements for my first two pregnancies and postpartum, so I can tell you that the difference has been 180 degrees!

After my other pregnancies, I had changing moods, left and right, and I just didn't feel right. I was ALWAYS tired, I was withdrawn from my husband, or else I just snapped at him all the time. Breastfeeding was miserable. I even had fleeting thoughts of suicide, or thinking that my family would be better off without me. And of course I drowned all these thoughts and feelings in sugar, so I got fatter and fatter, and the cycle would go around and around, and I'd get more and more depressed.

Well, THIS time... I've been much happier, I haven't had ANY mood swings... even that first week after the baby was born where there's a HUGE adjustment and hormones are fluctuating. I didn't even FEEL like my hormones were fluctuating, I felt NORMAL. Which was awesome! And, even when my baby was getting up to eat in the middle of the night, I didn't feel exhausted like I did with my other babies. I actually had ENERGY during the day. Also... I had struggles with breastfeeding in the past because of supply issues, namely, I had an overabundant supply. But I think these supplements have helped with my milk supply too, so I haven't had ANY of those same breastfeeding issues this time. And I'm SOOOO happy to say that I'm still breastfeeding at 6 months!

doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality pack has been amazing for me in so many ways, I can't list them all here. I don't think I've had a single issue with postpartum depression this time, not even a mild case of baby blues. To buy, click here, and find the Lifelong Vitality Pack under Wellness. Or... contact me and I can tell you how easy it is to get them for $20 cheaper per month.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Delicious Black Bean Chili

I wanted to start posting some of my favorite recipes that I cook for me and my family. Many of them, my kids even LOVE! I thought I'd share my favorites with you to help you in your journey of transitioning to a healthier family lifestyle.

This recipe has been a new favorite, and a regular meal at our house. My almost 5-year old son gulps it up every time! And I love to cook it for dinner and then eat the leftovers for lunches.

Delicious Black Bean Chili

Makes about 12 1-cup servings

  • 1 cup water

  • 2 medium onions, chopped

  • 4 medium garlic cloves, minced (Or 2 tsp. minced garlic)

  • 2 small bell pepper, seeded and finely diced

  • 1 cup crushed tomatoes

  • 4 cans black beans, undrained

  • 2 4-oz cans diced green chilies

  • 2 tsp ground cumin

Heat the water in a large skillet or pot. Add onion, garlic, and bell pepper. Cook over high heat, stirring often, for about 5 minutes or until onion is translucent. Add crushed tomatoes, beans, and their liquid, chilies, and cumin. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 15 minutes, or until flavors are blended.


-Recipe from the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fantastic Friday

So it's Friday, and today is the day that I track my fantastic results!

So, I changed to my healthy eating lifestyle 10 weeks ago, and I've been working out for 7 weeks now. And... the best results to report are that I feel awesome! I have energy! I haven't been sick for 7 weeks now. (Which is an amazing feat, especially since this whole winter, I've gotten sick once or twice a month!) My mind feels clear, my nose is clear, and it's CLEAR that I need to do some clothes shopping! ;)

Now the numbers...

...I've lost 11 pounds, and 9.5 inches total! (3 of those inches came off my waist, and 2 off my hips! WOOHOO!)

And... I had some fun the other day trying on my old high school prom dresses... And they fit!

The angle is off because I had my daughter take this picture today, but Travis (my husband) loved seeing me in my old dresses! (Especially since I went to my Junior Prom with him!)

Also, yesterday was my birthday. I had an amazing day! Especially since I started the day off by getting up early and did some core exercises and some yoga. It was a great way to start celebrating the day of my birth with gratitude for my body.

I have so much to be grateful for. And I think that is the number one key to having Postpartum Joy. Gratitude. No matter how small, there is always something to be grateful for. And when we focus on that, it is only then can we feel joy, and our lives will be improved.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cheat Meal

Why eating a cheat meal is a good thing...

So I've been a part of this health challenge group with my friend Heidi who organized it, for almost 4 weeks now. It's been really awesome and motivating. We have weekly group coaching calls, weekly accountability partner calls, weekly one-on-one coaching, and a personal journal, health tracker, and lots of great information provided in our weekly topics. Whew! What a way to stay motivated!

So this week we've been talking about the emotional triggers for food, cravings, why we sneak food, and habits we have created around food.

So the assignment was to have a cheat day. (Yes, I was told to eat whatever I wanted!) But then record our feelings on that.

Well...honestly, I didn't really want to have a cheat day or even meal, so I reluctantly gave in for the sake of the experiment. And I must say, I did learn a lot from it. That I don't want to do that again!

So... in my reluctance... I figured I was was going to a dinner for the women in my church, I'll just count that as my "cheat meal." So I get there, and all I see are salads, bread-sticks, and cupcakes, and a bunch of food warmers. So ok... looks good. I could definitely go for those cupcakes. Then come to find out, it's a pasta bar. Now pasta's not really my thing, but I indulged anyway. It was kind of lousy that my cheat meal wasn't full of my favorite foods, but whatever.

So I had pasta, with alfredo sauce and chicken, salad, bread-sticks, and a basic green salad with ranch dressing. Not bad, except that I've been eating mostly a low-fat, whole grain, sugar-free plant-based diet. So the chicken, alfredo sauce, and bread-sticks were things that I don't normally eat. I did load up on the salad, and surprisingly, that was the most satisfying thing in the whole meal. The chicken was just gross.

Alright, so not much of a cheat meal, right? Well, just wait... Then I had two chocolate cupcakes with really good mint frosting on top. And then, at the dinner, we all brought our favorite thing to help others get to know us better. And then we ended up exchanging them. So I brought a pineapple, which honestly is one of my favorite treats lately. But in exchange I got a chocolate Toblerone bar. THERE we go! You can't have a cheat meal without chocolate right?!?

So I went home, and indulged in the WHOLE Toblerone bar! Boy was it good, but it wasn't long after that I started feeling the effects from the whole meal. I felt bloated, started getting REALLY tired, and I started getting a headache. I just felt BLAH! So I went to bed, and in the morning when I woke up, I felt horrible and still really tired. I just didn't want to get up, and this was at 8:00am! But my green smoothie breakfast was heaven! Just what my body needed and thirsted for!

So then... I went to work out (even though I didn't feel like it at all!) And I noticed my work-out was harder, I got tired faster, and I felt like crap after!

So yeah... I don't want to eat like that again. And it wasn't even THAT bad! Trust me, I could've eaten A LOT worse! But the most interesting thing is... that I've been taking my healthy body and the way I've felt for granted a little bit. Because it wasn't until I felt horrible after eating crappy food, that I realized, Wow! I've been feeling really good! No stomach issues, my energy is up! my mind is clear, and I feel GREAT! Why would I want to go back to the way I used to eat? And feel like CRAP?!?

So yes, even though I was reluctant to have a cheat meal... I learned a very valuable lesson. Eat great, FEEL GREAT! Eat crap, FEEL LIKE CRAP!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Losing weight

So like I said in my last post, I'm actually losing weight!

It's been about 7 weeks that I've changed the way I eat, and I've been working out now for 4 weeks. Now I'll talk more later about what specifically I'm eating and what work-out plan I'm doing. But right now I wanted to celebrate my success so far, and give you a few tips that I've learned with adapting a healthy lifestyle with kids and a baby in tow.

Now, before I got pregnant with #3, I lost 30 lbs, but I was on the verge of gaining it back before I got pregnant. So after I had this baby, I actually got down to pretty close to pre-pregnancy weight pretty fast thanks to coming off a healthier pregnancy and then breastfeeding and sort of somewhat healthy eating. So now I'm actually working on losing the weight I had gained when I was first married and before I ever got pregnant.

The results...

...So... in 7 weeks I've lost 8 lbs, and a total of 4.5 inches in 4 weeks, including 2 inches from my waist!. (I didn't take measurements until I started working out...)

YAY! I'm so happy with those results. And I'm even MORE happy with how I feel, and how much energy I have and how clear my head feels!

So, a few tips...

  • Be committed but flexible... Make a decision to work out 6 days a week, or whatever you decide, but be flexible on your schedule. Meaning, before a day begins, I already KNOW that I'm going to work-out that day, there's no question about that, because I already decided. But... I've had to keep the time of when I work-out flexible. At first I thought I could work-out before the kids got up, but that just didn't work out... so plan B was to work out when my baby has her first nap, and sometimes it's been during her second nap, but the point is that I work out! During the first week of exercising, I got pretty frustrated because I got interrupted during my work-out, or that I didn't shower until 1:30 in the afternoon, but you know what? That was OK! And I learned to be flexible. So in 4 weeks of exercising 6 days a week, I've only missed one work-out thanks to this approach.

  • Don't forbid yourself to have any food... Usually when I have done that before, like with sugar... I lasted oh... 24 hours before I caved and gorged myself with sugar. Instead... tell yourself you can have some every once in a while. Maybe it could be a reward for eating so well all week, or a little something here and there. But the point is, you can have it, a little bit, once in a while. Then you're not so apt to go crazy with it. If you have some, don't beat yourself up, move on, and continue eating healthy. Which brings me to my next tip...

  • It's a lifestyle change NOT a temporary diet... When I reach my goal weight, I'm not going to say, "Yay! I did it! Now I can go back to eating crap!" Because then I'll gain all my weight back. Yes, like I said before, I'll have a treat once in a while. But I'm still going to continue to eat my new healthy eating lifestyle.

  • Live in the present and enjoy the journey... Celebrate the little wins, be grateful for the body that you have now! I GET to enjoy delicious healthy foods! I GET to move around and work-out! I GET to breathe and just be GRATEFUL. I GET to be ALIVE! Relish those feelings of gratitude NOW, and you will go far.

Well, those are my tips for the day, and my celebration of losing weight, and living a healthy life full of energy and vitality, YAY!